Automated Storage Systems

Update time:2024-01-04Hits:1079


Unified Platform:The essence of Industry 4.0 lies in the Cyber-Physical System (CPS) or Information-Physical System.

Dual Network Integration:Industry 4.0 integrates products, machinery, resources, and personnel through "Internet of Things" and "Internet of Services."

Dual Strategy Implementation:Embracing "Market Leadership Strategy" and "Supplier Leadership Strategy" to establish dominance in market and supply sectors.

Three Critical Integrations:Determining the Success of the Dual Strategy:

1.Horizontal integration through the value network.

2.End-to-end digital integration across the entire value chain.

3.Vertical integration and networked manufacturing systems.

Digital Engineering Components of Automated Storage Systems:

1.Intelligent Storage System.

2.Intelligent Robots for process circulation.

3.Intelligent Sorting System.

4.Intelligent Picking System.

5.Intelligent Loading and Unloading Systems.

Application Scenarios:Specializing in the intelligent integration of discrete equipment across machines for unified control and management.

Interface TypesTypical ApplicationsRemarks
Input PointsProduction counting, equipment switch monitoring. 
Output PointsMachine start authorization, equipment alarm systems. 
Analog InputsField sensor data collectionvoltage signals, current signals