Smart Campus Jump Rope System

Update time:2024-01-04Hits:744


At present, Zhishengda's Smart Campus Jump Rope System, as of September 13, 2023, has been implemented in over a dozen primary schools in Qingdao. Teachers unanimously commend the system for its high stability, ease of use, and the significant reduction in workload it brings for physical education instructors. It is praised for its convenience and speed, and its digital testing mechanism objectively and fairly evaluates student performance, avoiding the inaccuracies and subjectivity inherent in traditional manual recording. It proves to be an excellent selection for both students and teachers.

The digital testing devices provide a platform for teachers to objectively assess student performance and accordingly tailor their teaching plans to enhance students' athletic skills and physical education proficiency. These devices also offer scientific data support, enabling teachers to precisely understand students' physical capabilities and performance, thus facilitating better guidance and management. The successful implementation of this testing process underscores the significant role and potential of digital technology in physical education, contributing valuable insights and references for the future of educational development.

Efficiency and Speed:The Zhishengda Jump Rope System streamlines data collection and organization, effectively reducing teachers' workload and time investment.

Precise Counting:Equipped with high-precision sensors, the system accurately counts each jump, ensuring the reliability of test data.

User-Friendly Operation:With detailed instructions and training provided by technicians, teachers can effortlessly operate the equipment, minimizing the time spent on training and maintenance.

Real-Time Data Transmission:The system ensures immediate and reliable data transmission to servers, safeguarding against data loss due to device malfunction or operational errors.