Ton Bag Packaging Machine

Update time:2024-02-26Hits:699


Product Advantages:

This equipment uses different feeding forms (such as DC, screw, vibration, belt) for material loading based on different materials. It offers stable performance, high packaging accuracy and speed. The weighing system uses high precision sensors, with comprehensive panel digital tuning and parameter setting, featuring cumulative weight display, automatic tare, zero correction, high sensitivity, and strong anti-interference capability.

Technical Parameters:

Packaging Range:500--1000kg
Packaging Accuracy:士0.2%
Packaging Speed:20--30 bags/hour
Packaging Height:3268/3314mm

Product Features:

The product consists of pneumatic hook bag clamping system, feeding metering control system, lifting mechanism, electrical control, filling device weighing control system, and sewing, conveying mechanism.