Closed-Loop Positive Pressure Conveying System

Update time:2024-01-04Hits:791


The system encompasses a first-stage cooling spiral conveyor for material elevation, a mixing lift system, a second-stage mechanical mill negative pressure closed-loop system, and a third-stage compressed air positive pressure open-loop system.

First-Stage Cooling Spiral Conveyor Material Elevator 

Starting at the rotary feeder from the kiln's cooling section exit, the powdered materials are cooled and elevated via a cooling spiral conveyor. They then pass through an electromagnetic iron remover and a direct-discharge screen into the mechanical mill. An additional mixing material inlet, linked to a manual vacuum loading device, is located atop the direct-discharge screen.

Second-Stage Mechanical Mill Negative Pressure Closed-Loop System

Materials, once pulverized and dispersed in the mechanical mill, are transported to a 5 cubic meter storage silo via the negative pressure closed-loop system. They then proceed through a rotary feeder, a small silo, and a pneumatic butterfly valve to the subsequent stage. The air used for powder transport, post bag-filter cleaning, is channelled through a centrifugal fan to a heat exchanger for cooling and then passes through an online filter into an accelerator chamber. This closed-loop system includes a compressed air supplement device, an automatic air release control valve, and safety valves in the pipeline, autonomously regulating the supply and discharge of compressed air.

Third-Stage Compressed Air Positive Pressure Open-Loop System

Post-dispersion, materials are conveyed to the packaging system's buffer silo using a positive pressure system driven by a warehouse pump. Given the extended distance of positive pressure conveying, blockage monitoring and clearing devices are strategically installed. Inside the buffer silo, materials are uniformly fed to an ultrasonic vibrating screen via a disc and rotary feeder. The materials, after screening through the ultrasonic vibrating screen, proceed through a permanent magnetic iron remover into the packaging silo designated by the packing party.