Single Bucket / Suit Single Bucket Packaging Machine

Update time:2024-02-27Hits:707


Product Advantages:

These machines cater to different customer needs with pneumatic and servo-electric feeding methods. The differences lie in packaging speed and single-bag accuracy. The servo motor feeder packaging machine is equipped with a full touchscreen weighing instrument for simpler and smarter operation.

Technical Parameters:

Packaging Range:

20--50 kg

20--50 kg

Packaging Accuracy:



Packaging Speed:

300--400 bags/hour (Single Bucket)

600--800 bags/hour (Suit Single Bucket)

Packaging Height:

2754 mm

2750 mm

Product Features:

Suitable for granular materials with good flow properties (mixed fertilizers, compound fertilizers, plastic granules, feed granules, grains, biomass, quartz sand, etc.).