No Bucket Packaging Machine

Update time:2024-02-27Hits:706


Product Advantages:

This equipment utilizes high-precision sensors and intelligent weighing controllers for automatic bag count and weight statistics, with automatic correction for deviations. Contact parts with materials are made of stainless steel to meet food hygiene standards, are corrosion-resistant, and prolong the equipment's life. The setup comprises a feeding device, a weigh-belt conveyor, an automatic thread-cutting sewing machine, and an adjustable height conveyor.

Technical Parameters:

Packaging Range:

20--50 kg

Packaging Accuracy:


Packaging Speed:

200--300 bags/hour

Packaging Height:

2204 mm

Product Features:

Suitable for granular materials with good flow properties (mixed fertilizers, compound fertilizers, plastic granules, feed granules, grains, biomass, quartz sand, etc.).